The "disease” of Little Nicholas
Little Nicholas, may not be small, neither male or may be is not his name. It can be big or small, male or female and have any name, but suffers the worst diseases.
In these days everybody talking about Nicolas, I wasn’t able to pay much attention, but at the end I had no choice but to find out about this happening. This social networking is making of Spain a country increasingly male-brainer.
They say men are not trained to do two things at once. It seems that Spain either, and now is beating every week with a different matter. Every now and then we have on tv a debate that floods the news of warnings, newspapers with exemplary messages, jokes though whatsap, the Facebook full of transcendence news and radio and television with quick and superficial gathering. We spent a few days with this issue and the next week we replace it with another, and then another, and although frequently we have recurring themes, is very rare that the country discuss two "important" issues at a time.
One week we debate about Urdangarín, next week we have breakfast with opinions on Sara Carbonero and Casillas, then comes people imputed to the issue of EREs, the following week appears on the scene Ebola, we continue with the royal family, the issue of Catalonia, then if Isabel Pantoja must enter in prison, we analyze traffic fines from Pique, Ebola again, we return to breakfast with the Catalonia issue, embers of the imputation of the Infanta, the issue of whether Casillas must be listed as goalkeeper, return to the Catalonia issue, again more people imputed to the issue of ERE, and so on. Except natural disasters, deaths of important people or fires of large companies dotting, now asking prior permission, and without wanting to bother, we witness again and again to the same themes as they come to us with different faces as the dishes of sushi go past us at Japanese restaurants.
And for all relevant issues are addressed in depth: wage-related expenses, educational model, loss of values, emigration of young talent, production model, disease profile, economic situation of small and medium enterprises, energy monopolies, etc, etc.
I'll be a bit transcendent to issue what is only a reflection point and I don’t want to go further and analyze the origin of all this. The truth is that now plays "Little Nicholas", and in this, as in other matters, I miss informed opinions, expert reports and more studied analysis. Overall I miss independent visions and experienced people who have had a chance to meet similar cases.
The Nicholas case interests me. By representing the mental effort to elucidate if it’s a mental disorder or whether it is a simple case of shameless. I discharge the possibility of him being a talent for public relations or an early case of the most common profession in the country, intermediary. No, I do not think it's a commission itself, although it may be financed by fees. He doesn’t act as such; its procedure is far from it.
This guy is smart, that’s for sure. He gets thing that may have a complex appearance and in view of most he has access what is known as power circles. But the real thing is that he doesn’t obtain anything. Just being ridiculous. I do not think it's smart, it's not clumsy, he has enough knowledge to know what he does and he is not manipulating. He is not involved in any story or protagonist of his avatars, he just uses others.
This type of profiles, they play with people, they confuse people building trust by using information that they encourage. It is a case more frequent than it seems in our society, the only difference in this case is of course a much larger scale and has affected more important people.
It is very common to find people like him in social networks. Within families, groups of friends, or in business, there are always people who put in the mouths of other false information that generate responses that creates the desired effect. Example: An employee tells another that the boss is going to fire him and to the boss that the employee speaks ill of him. This causes a change in behavior on the two people involved, which is why they change their behavior and ends up affecting the relationship between them and the head throwing the "innocent" employee who changed his behavior and stopped having his confidence. The two affected left with the feeling that the "bad" employee had provided accurate information, and thus the evil circle is closed.
This ends couples, leaving employees without jobs and destroys many businesses. The effect of this poison is very slow and takes time to discover. This is what we are seeing with little Nicholas, who has just left "selling catechisms to the Pope."
To do so we must know the miseries of people and play with it. Find the weakness of others and touch where it hurts or where it likes. The case of little Nicholas is not a case of espionage or precocious intelligence, not even an issue of conspiring; it is a simple case of evil, which is the worst of diseases.
Dr. Carlos de Sola Earle