Double-balloon Enteroscopy

The double balloon enteroscopy allows diagnose and treat lesions of the small intestine that until now, because of the great length of this organ (about 8 meters) were inaccessible without surgery.
It is performed as a gastroscopy inserting a thin and long endoscope called enteroscope by mouth with an over tube with associated micro balloons that allows us to inflate to adhere and move through the intestine, the same way as when we roll up our sleeves arm.
Sometimes you need to complete the study introducing through the anus to reach the final sections of the ileum. This technique is a complement of capsule endoscopy for treatment of injuries that are identified and sometimes, an alternative to the capsule.
We use CO2 instead of air to greatly reduce discomfort from the scan. Is under heavy sedation, so that it will not be painful. The day of the test must be fasting and preparation is similar to colonoscopy. The doctor will decide whether is necessary or not hospitalization.