
Colonoscopy is an examination to visualize the entire large intestine and final part of the small intestine (ileum) using a flexible tube that is inserted through the anus.
It is the ideal test performed routinely for early diagnosis of colon cancer. Indeed you can make it if there is abdominal pain, changes in the composition of the stools, weight loss, anemia, blood in stools, diarrhea, and family history of colon cancer, etc.... We use CO2 instead of air to greatly reduce discomfort from the examination. Is under heavy sedation, so that it will not be painful. The approximate time of the test varies between 30 and 60 minutes.
It is necessary that the patient has fasted and make a special diet the 2 previous days. This preparation can be done at home or in our hospital the morning of the test, this second option is recommended for patients who live far from the center, elderly, or in general for comfort.
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Resulting from the application of technological improvements to conventional colonoscopy. This allows us to identify polyps and other preneoplastic lesions when they are still microscopic.
The application of vital dyes such as lugol, red carmine or methylene blue is classically used in medicine and especially in endoscopy. These dyes are capable of being selectively absorbed by cells and not by others. Thus detect premalignant lesions, we enhance flat polyps difficult to see under normal conditions or neoplasms detected early, this term is especially useful in the early gastric neoplasms in risk groups, or genetic conditions that favor no polyposis colon cancer. A circumstance in which the patient develops directly colon cancer without the intermediate scaled to imply the presence of polyp.